


About Books

Still Life with Bible

I have never been a person who enjoys reading.

When I was very young, I read some fairy tales and bedtime stories. What fairy tales, what stories.

The first book I read in its entirety and still remember is "Robinson Crusoe". I have always admired Robinson's life, even now. To live as best as possible on a deserted island, how meaningful it is. Directly using the body to make weapons, observing the stars, the sea, and occasionally drifting remnants of civilization make one feel the pull of civilization without being captured by it.

If this world were left with only me, wandering through the ruins of civilization, I would not be very sad, because my world has always been untouched and unchanged. So, whenever I fantasize about a world of my own, and then rationalize the fantasy, I am always happy.

Then, I interspersed with many popular science, history, and other books, but I didn't pay much attention to them.

The second book I read with passion was about the various schools of thought. I have forgotten its name, it was about Laozi and fame, and the Mohist school and talents... In short, that set of books on the various schools of thought really intrigued me, and I felt like I had grasped many "universal truths". The famous quotes and sayings in it were particularly appealing to me. This sense of mystery lingered for a long time.

The third book I loved to read was "Nietzsche: At the Turning Point of the Century" by Zhou Guoping. Reading this book, I felt like I was Nietzsche. Many of the viewpoints resonated with me. However, after this book, I didn't particularly study Nietzsche, because I am not Nietzsche, and I don't like to study other people's thoughts.

The fourth book I loved to read was a general term, such as online novels. At first, driven by novelty, it was very exciting. But after a while, I found that good works were becoming fewer and fewer. It's not that I think this genre is lowbrow, but that they could have been written better, but they weren't.

The fifth book I loved to read was also a general term, textbooks. I really enjoy reading textbooks. Like a student, when I am a student, I read a lot, but when I am not a student, I don't read them.

The sixth book I loved to read was also a general term, all kinds of miscellaneous books. Often, whatever point attracted me, I would immediately flip through it. Skim through, flip through the table of contents, the beginning, and the end.

In conclusion, I haven't read many books, and I'm not someone who loves to read. Even for books I like, I won't delve deep and read all of the author's works. The reason is simple, I can't get into it. So, whenever someone asks me for book recommendations, I don't say much. Because I don't have any. I only read books when I need to, that's my general attitude towards books.

In my daily life, my mind is always thinking about things, unconsciously bringing up interesting things, or starting to remember, or thinking I have figured something out. At that moment, I must pull it out of my mind, like pulling out a radish, or else I feel uncomfortable.

I have always been trying to construct a world, fantasize about a new world, but with the ups and downs of life, I can only collect bricks for now, and fantasize when things are more stable in the future!

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