


Dog Thief

1883 Rosa Bonheur--A Limier Briquet Hound

From midnight to three in the morning is the ghost hour, and in winter, three in the morning is the darkest moment. If it's dark and windy at this time, it's when ghosts come out in the human world.

This story is about dog thieves and what I have seen and heard. I have never seen a dog thief, they are active during the ghost hour, doing things that cannot be seen, just like ghosts. Dog thieves often ride motorcycles, and even before they enter the village, you can hear the continuous barking of dogs throughout the village, echoing each other from a distance. But no matter how loud the dogs bark, people either sleep through it, think it's just random barking, or prefer to stay in their warm beds. Who knows, in winter, people would rather hold their urine than go outside to pee. That's why it's called the ghost hour, right? These little ghosts ride motorcycles, find the spots marked during the day, and leave a small piece of duck neck at the door. If you didn't lock your door, or if your dog hasn't come back, or if your dog ate the bait during the day, they are as good as dead.

As for how they specifically steal dogs, I haven't seen it, only the struggling and dead dogs I see in the morning, and the uneaten piece of duck neck.

A few days ago, a woman in our village was alone at home, and her dog was tied up outside the door. The dog barked desperately, and she woke up, but all the men in the house had gone out to work, so she didn't dare to go out, not even a sound, just watched as their dog was stolen. Around 4 am on November 28th, I woke up early to go out for errands, and saw that the door of my house was open. I searched anxiously, but only found my own dog foaming at the mouth, with her mother watching beside her, sleeping next to her. Dead. None of the dogs we have kept at home for so many years have had a peaceful end, not a single one. In the whole village, except for the dogs that are always tied up at home, not a single one has not been stolen, poisoned, or eaten.

Dogs may not be considered family members in the eyes of others, but they are in our own eyes. In the eyes of others, they are just dogs, but in our own eyes, they are a part of our lives. In the eyes of the law, they are just property, but in our own eyes, they are indeed friends and family. The only way for the dogs in this village to have a peaceful end is to be permanently tied up. In other words, only if you don't treat them as friends or family, but as livestock, can you prevent them from being stolen. This contradiction has nowhere to be expressed.

Perhaps some people would be surprised why it is said that dogs must be constantly tied up to keep them alive? Because dog thieves only need to win once, while you only need to lose once.

There are always some well-informed people in the village. He said that dog thieves who come during the day are usually two people from across the river. Those who come at night are mostly from our village and the neighboring village. They use drugs related to "P" and poison the dogs through the respiratory system. In addition to professional dog thieves, there are some young people in the village who have nothing to do after eating their fill. One time, they said they wanted to roast and eat the dogs from our house and the neighbor's house.

Now it is winter, and there is a coldness in the sunlight. Under the calm village, how many ghosts and monsters are lurking.

Dog theft has been going on for thousands of years, and it is hard to say how it is in today's society. I heard from others that although sometimes they know who the thief is, they don't pursue it too much to avoid causing conflicts. It's like the village chief being corrupt, although people around him gossip and curse him, who is willing to touch this bad luck? It's hard for a lonely ghost to survive, and all our evils are nurturing ghosts, including our inaction, our tolerance, our cowardice, and laziness.

People always say that there is light in darkness, and darkness in light. But when they say this, they are often not longing for the light, but leaning towards the darkness. It seems to have become a pass for ghosts and monsters, and I feel a bit ridiculous.

Between allowing dogs to be free and keeping them alive, I still can't bring myself to tie them up completely. Dog thieves like my "kindness," and that's where their evil begins. So I must truly be kind and not have the slightest negligence.

I think there are many people who love dogs. At the dining table, one of my relatives said that because of this, he doesn't eat dog meat, and my opinion of him greatly increased. There are also many ethical and moral topics that cannot be discussed one by one. If there is an afterlife, I sincerely wish the dogs who have passed away. Here, I attach the poem.

Tao Qian once said, "Relatives may grieve for me, but others will sing for me. Where can the dead go? They rest in the mountains." If it can be like this, it would be enough.

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