


The Social Contract

the sun

The World of Entropy#

A world full of energy and conservation. From high energy to low energy, it is an irresistible trend that I can perceive, until all imbalances are filled. The sun naturally emits energy in this way, from high energy to low energy, radiating its energy.

But sometimes there are many exceptions. Water flows downhill, but a water pump can make water fly uphill. Why is that? High energy still goes to low energy, and compared to the original world, the energy becomes more balanced. High-energy electricity runs to more extensive places. However, the energy contained in the electricity has a huge impact on the small system where high energy is released as low energy, breaking the conservation of energy in this small system. Instead of flowing downhill, the water flows uphill. All of this is due to the relative independence of various energy systems. If only the sun releases energy to the universe, everything would be simple.

The Significance of Life#

Accelerating Energy Dissipation#

From an energy perspective, the existence of life also helps energy to dissipate from high energy to low energy. The existence of life is because they conform to the law of energy going from high energy to low energy. And this existence has great benefits for the dissipation of energy. As long as they exist, energy will continue to dissipate. They are like siphons, as long as there is energy, they will continue to exist. And in order to maintain this existence, they continue to utilize energy dissipation. Although there will eventually be a limit, which is the equilibrium of all energy, it is not something to consider while it exists.

Contradiction of Survival#

This contradiction is that human survival relies on the dissipation of high energy, but this high-energy dissipation will disappear as humans rely on it. It's like in a closed environment, one person and one loaf of bread, eating the bread itself is a process of approaching death.

And in the days of human existence, within humans, there must be a manifestation of a reverse law. That is the pursuit of survival. Survival itself is against the law, as life means death as the ultimate result. There is no concept of a group here, only individuals and the universe.

Social Contract of Survival#

Humans have made a deal with the universe: you let me exist, and I help you consume energy. Of course, this deal can be terminated at any time. As long as you stop consuming energy.

As for why organisms are so persistent in survival, it is determined by thinking and instinct. I call the thing that determines the persistence of life in organisms the desire core. [The soul rests here]

So, individuals and all other organisms are in an opposing state from an energy perspective. This is because human survival itself comes at the cost of energy consumption, so as long as they do not give up the social contract of survival with the universe, everything, including high-energy forms of life, can be consumed.

The most important point is that the dissipation of high energy in this world, that is, the world is not determined by organisms that have already dissipated energy, nor by living organisms, but by the social contract of survival and consumption signed by individuals and the universe. And as long as the social contract of survival exists, it will not hesitate to eliminate all living beings.

So how does this contract shape human society?

Note that here we are talking about survival that is different from others.

My World#

I have always been a person who likes to boast about being alone. I like all kinds of seemingly profound things, so as to be independent of the world and appear somewhat extraordinary. This can be said to be my nature, and the reason behind it is one thing, looking down on everything.

I am the Measure of All Things#

When I think, I already recognize the essential difference between others and myself. This can be traced back to when I played with peers, around the age of 6. The essential difference I recognized is that I am the subject and everything else is the object. For me, everything is set for me. I am the measure of all things.

My Worldview#

These days, I have been discussing the issue of worldview with a friend. He believes that people are foolish, and his thinking is based on what he calls "ideology". Simply put, there are always people beyond people, just as one-dimensional organisms can never think like three-dimensional organisms, but the opposite is possible, so higher dimensions are attractive. Of course, how can I understand higher-level existence now? So I return to this mountain, still a dimensional problem. Combining with myself, I can only stand in the current dimension and deal with things according to the current conditions.

He asked me, "Do you have a worldview?"
I said, "No."
He said, "I feel like you do, but it's not at a high level."
I smiled.

The Origin of Individualism#

To get back on track, based on this thing—I am the measure of all things (I really can't figure out what to call it, it is not a viewpoint, but the foundation of my thinking that I can recognize), my way of thinking starts from the self-interest (I can't be sure if interest is accurate, so I can only call it self-interest for now) of the individual. [[Individualism#The Individual as Subject|The Individual as Subject]]

I can't determine what my worldview is. My thoughts are composed of small ideas, and when I bring them together, they naturally don't form a system. If I have to force it into a system, then the reasons I choose them are worth mentioning. These small ideas are in line with my self-interest.

Actually, the article can end here. I think this thing called worldview is also for my use. I can't determine whether what I think is in line with who I am or not, but it is still logical within my current scope of understanding. Perhaps at the next level, my worldview will be different. It's not that worldviews change frequently, but rather that they vary from different perspectives.

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