


How to solve the exploitation problem caused by private manufacturing

Constantin Meunier - Return of the Miners between 1851 and 1905

Private ownership of means of production leads to exploitation, but it does not mean that turning the means of production into public ownership eliminates exploitation.

Private ownership is not a system invented by humans, but a fact; there is a natural, direct intimate connection between people and things. Under the principle of distinction, we can see the structure of things clearly.

People can control a certain amount of things through themselves. Then, you need to cooperate with others to control more, such as getting help from family members. As the number of things you control increases, you need to rely on neighborhood relationships and contractual relationships to control.

All of this certainly expands people's ability to control things, but direct possession has turned into indirect possession, and the relationships have become less reliable.

As the number of things further increases, some people begin to use the state to protect and allow themselves to control more wealth. This is how legal private ownership was born.

This gives rise to a series of problems. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer...

The Shortcomings of Marxism in Solving the Problem of Private Ownership#

Marxism's solution is to turn legal private ownership into public ownership. This way, the original exploitation no longer exists.

However, public ownership still does not return to the situation where individuals control things with individual power; instead, it makes the state intermediary undertake more indirect possession work, akin to a meat bun thrown to a dog.

Compared to legal private ownership, this kind of state public ownership is a larger form of legal private ownership because it deprives everyone of the legal right to private property, causing the law to contradict the original private ownership, which is human nature. Not only does it fail to return people to natural private ownership, but it exceeds it.

How to Solve What Marxism Has Not Resolved and Messed Up?#

Maintaining Natural Private Ownership#

Let the overall social property return to private ownership as much as possible, that is, natural private ownership, and use the law to absolutely establish the absolute sanctity and inviolability of individual private ownership.

Johann Wenzel Peter - Adam and Eve in the earthly paradise

Balancing means maintaining the sanctity of individual direct ownership as much as possible.

Other methods that weaken large companies by relying on third parties have a major flaw: intermediaries can go bad. Using state power to combat capital has already failed, and expecting capital to combat capital is also unrealistic; the fundamental method is still to increase the individual power of the people. It is still necessary to maintain the basic rights of the people; if one bends for a little money, selling oneself for medical expenses, the power of those with rights and wealth will be amplified here, the source of power is the people, and the weaker the people, the stronger the state.

POWERED BY Zhuangzi: Old country and old capital, looking at it with melancholy. Also Return to the Garden of Eden.

See also: Individual Power Piercing the Illusion of Social Contract Theory How Humanity Can Escape Exploitation Crossing the Illusions of Marxism Discussion on the Material Basis Required for a "Communist Society"

> Early morning on September 21, 2024, feeling after watching a segment of Yellowstone on Telegram

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