


Tragedy is beautiful

Jacob van Swanenburg - The Last Judgment and the Seven Deadly Sins

It's time to write something, even though it seems like there's nothing to say.

Countless questions flash through my mind, and that is the question of the meaning of life. The question of the meaning of life is not superficial, but hidden within pessimism. And I have always been pessimistic.

The reason for questioning meaning is that I believe there is no need for such suffering. In the face of pessimistic people, there are two options: to search for the meaning of life or to die.

Unknown life, how can one know death? In addition, death is something that will inevitably come. So the search for the meaning of life takes precedence.

Life is undoubtedly a tragedy. Looking at life pessimistically is an extension of emotions and cognition. It's natural.

Being trapped in the vortex of the meaning of life is a requirement of tragedy, and also a requirement of a meaningless life. It's not that life is meaningless, so it's tragic, but rather that it's tragic, so life is meaningless.

To truly appreciate the deepest tragedy, pain, pain, one will discover beauty.

How much pain and love does one need to experience to understand this ultimate simplicity?

The innocence and simplicity of childhood, a natural need and expectation for love, is destroyed by the world. Perhaps it's the unjust blame of parents, the alienation of playmates, the slap of a teacher... all of which shatter our understanding of love and beauty. We experience tragedy for the first time, and this is the "birth" of our tragedy.

Countless tragedies shatter our understanding of beauty, and we continuously retreat our defenses of beauty until ourselves. Our world is filled with fear, hatred, anger, and powerlessness. This is the deepest tragedy of humanity. Uncontrollable destructive forces devour us. This is a meaningless power. Just like gravity, beauty leads to destruction.

If meaninglessness shrouds the entire sky like dark clouds, if we look into the deep darkness, we can only let ourselves be consumed and become a part of meaninglessness - meaninglessness - death. If we look at the curled-up beauty, this faint light, we are surprised to find that every dark cloud hides profound love and beauty. Light illuminates the world. This is why the final battle exists. Only in the darkest moment, the most just, the most powerful, the most instantaneous power, so only one battle is needed.

At this point, life is no longer pessimistic.

Ultimately, humans long for beauty. The world destroys beauty. The power of the world's destructive forces is immense, but it is meaningless. And humans long for beauty, it is meaningful, it is infinite. Meaning can overcome meaninglessness, but meaninglessness cannot defeat meaning!

At this moment, whether it's Hemingway, Nietzsche, Jing Ke, or Sisyphus, they all seem to be shouting in my ears!

Sometimes I also feel deeply moved, even though they have already made it clear: a person can be destroyed, but not defeated. But inevitably, one must go through the baptism of darkness. This is inevitable, and it truly requires despair.

I used to love the theory of evil, which is probably the power of meaninglessness. But will I fall into corruption? As long as there is a little bit, I long for beauty, it is enough.

On [[2024-02-05]], reconstructed from The End: Ultimately, humans long for beauty.

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