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The rule of law needs to be believed in.

"The Misunderstanding of Yuan Shikai by China" (Lv Zheng) In the face of the assassination of the Premier of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen chose armed revolution, while Huang Xing opted for legal recourse. The Chinese people do not have a tradition of the rule of law and do not think of it when faced with issues. In their eyes, law is merely a means of governance. As the saying goes, there is governance but no law. The adaptable Chinese people naturally would not rigidly choose the rule of law... However, as Shakespeare said: “These violent delights have violent ends.” — *Romeo and Juliet* (https://telegra.ph/WestWorld-03-19) Breaking the deadlock with violence will ultimately end in violence. Means far outweigh ends, because means directly interact with the objective world; they are the appearance (https://telebookstall.xlog.app/The-Birth-of-Objectivism#user-content-%E5%A4%96%E8%A7%82%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89). Violence can destroy all old societies, but it is insufficient to change customs and habits. The rule of law is actually similar to faith. We must believe in the rule of law for it to truly take effect. Whether Marxists or various schools of legal thought, all claim that the social contract theory is unreliable. They use almost imaginary reasoning, without conducting experiments or social surveys. Instead, it became the basis for the American and French revolutions, ushering the entire world into an era of democratization. What a great achievement! Unfortunately, it was resolved by a few declarative thoughts from the proponents of natural law. In fact, Rousseau's words perfectly illustrate this point: “The most important law of all laws is neither inscribed on marble nor engraved on bronze tablets, but is etched in the hearts of citizens.” As long as the people uphold this belief, it becomes the greatest objective fact. No amount of criticism is anything but impotent jealousy. Because “we hold these truths to be self-evident.” “We hold” is the truth; the people's belief in the social contract theory will lead everyone to consciously accept the adjustments of natural law. When people resolve political issues through law, it will enhance the authority of the law. In other words, believing in the social contract theory itself will foster a society of social contracts. This is something Marxists cannot evaluate. — See "Piercing the Illusion of Social Contract Theory" (https://telebookstall.xlog.app/Social-Contract-Theory#user-content-%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E5%A5%91%E7%BA%A6%E8%AE%BA%E7%9A%84%E7%AE%80%E5%8D%95)
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