


Secret Religion

Adoration of the Shepherds_ by Dutch painter Matthias Stomer


There are few religious believers and many non-believers in the village. The religious believers mainly believe in Christianity, but they are not very devout. Those who do not believe in religion also believe in some Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and ghosts. For example, some elderly people are afraid to go out alone at night. But overall, there is not much commendable religion in the village.

Therefore, many people naturally conclude that there is no religion in the village and that the people have no faith. In my opinion, faith means having the highest degree of belief in something. Religion is the highest degree of belief in something in a collective form. Therefore, having faith does not necessarily mean believing in gods or Buddhas, it can also be believing in other things, as long as it is the highest degree of belief. From this perspective, everyone has faith. When there are many people with this kind of faith, it becomes a religion.


So what do people believe in the most? What do people living in this land believe in the most?

When I asked people while they were working, they told me that it was money. Indeed, money is important, but it does not indicate the direction.

Therefore, we need to go back to the theory of the social contract.

Faith is similar to the meaning of life, but faith is a certain meaning, while the meaning of life is a more open-ended answer. The former emphasizes definite answers, while the latter has never-ending answers. Faith is certainty, while meaning is pursuit. Faith forms religion, and the pursuit of meaning forms religion.

But whether it is faith or the meaning of life, survival is necessary. Survival has two ways, one is to strengthen oneself, and the other is to reproduce offspring. For organisms, only when they reach sexual maturity can they reproduce. The process of sexual maturity is a way to strengthen oneself. It is also reasonable to extend this rule to a higher dimension. If a person can constantly strengthen themselves or be strong enough, they do not need to reproduce. Just like the stage before sexual maturity, when they are new enough and full of vitality, they do not and will not hope to reproduce offspring. On the other hand, if they are eager to reproduce and pursue fertility, then this breed is too precocious. Precocious breeds are mostly not full enough because their growth cycle is short. In the animal kingdom, there are many species that are born for reproduction. I can't think of their names for a while, but they spend their whole lives preparing for reproduction and die after reproduction. Of course, this reproductive strength is also a kind of strength, but it is too weak.

Therefore, if the people in this land are not strong enough and too precocious, they can only pay more attention to reproduction. If this land has always been barren and difficult to support individuals in pursuing strength and becoming full and round, more late-maturing breeds will be eliminated, and early-maturing breeds will become even more precocious, becoming a wholehearted reproductive machine. It starts from birth and ends with reproduction.



Shakespeare once said, "We cry when we are born into this group of ugly stages."

Recently, a relative told me that I should be "filial", and she said she cares most about her parents. I said, "I am not a filial person. Filial piety is a moral and ethical concept. In my definition, filial piety is extremely superficial..." "You won't give me a penny if you have money, and I won't give you a cent if I have money, so talking about these things is just meddling..." After a fierce argument, she seemed to be silenced by me.

Many people also say that they should be "grateful" to their parents. This word and "filial piety" have the same meaning, both require people to do things from the bottom of their hearts, but "requiring" and "from the bottom of their hearts" are contradictory. In fact, people in this world pay more attention to "requiring", and how many people care about whether it is "from the bottom of their hearts"?

This coercion has started since we were born into this group of ugly stages.

This is also the drawback of the social contract. We did not voluntarily sign contracts with our parents, the country, or this world, but were forced without reason. We are born and have to accept the fact that we were born, and then we are directly given various identities, either sad or lowly.

At the beginning of everyone's birth, parents did not hold a contract and ask, "Do you want to be our child and be born?" They were just mating voluntarily or involuntarily. This is what other pigs, cows, sheep, and cats do in the natural world.

What is even more absurd is that if a person imprisons the opposite sex, mates with them, and reproduces many children, it is originally rape + illegal detention, but because of the large number of births, this heinous act becomes difficult to establish. The case of the chained woman in Feng County is like this, and this behavior can be replicated and has been proven effective. Rape for the purpose of reproduction is not tolerated by society, but rape for the purpose of reproduction is even more heinous, but it seems understandable.

This is the religion of reproduction.

Our birth is an indispensable part of the religion of reproduction, and it is necessary to maintain the operation of this group. This itself is a phenomenon, a survival instinct, and there is no reason to blame it. It's just that humans not only have reproductive organs but also have thinking organs; it's just that parents can only choose to let their children be born, but cannot fully control them; it's just that survival is not just reproduction, but also strengthening oneself. It's just that reproduction is not easy, and there are infertile people.


Birth is forced, but mating is voluntary. Although rape exists, most people can control their mating, while birth is definitely not a choice.


The wedding night is a great joy in life, but the joy of mating is not only in that night but throughout a person's life.

A person may never mate in his lifetime, but he may be attracted to the opposite sex throughout his life.

Liking the opposite sex is an instinct, even elderly people who have lost their sexual function cannot say that they do not like the opposite sex. Because this liking is no longer just a sexual matter, but an aesthetic matter. Or it can be understood that even if the sexual function is completely lost, a person still has the ability to appreciate the beauty of sex.

However, like the case of the chained woman, although mating is a very common and joyful thing, people only hide mating in their hearts and put marriage on the table. Mating does not necessarily have the purpose of reproduction, but marriage mostly has the purpose of reproduction.


In China, once a woman becomes a mother, she is first a mother and then herself.

Someone once asked me how I interpreted this sentence, and I answered:

"In our family, we used to raise pigs, and I found that about 90% of the pigs are qualified mothers, and a small portion will bite and drive away the piglets. Among the qualified mothers, about 30% are very maternal pigs.
In an ordinary family, an ordinary individual actually does not have anything particularly precious or clear thoughts. Once a child is conceived, their world completely changes. It's like a small boat on a calm sea, just a gentle breeze can make them raise their sails and gain the courage to move forward.

The Sailing Boat, Evening Effect, 1885

But if a person has too many things that make them different from ordinary people, then they are like a sailboat that is already sailing, and having a child will change their speed and course, but they will not deviate from their direction.
In China, this statement is still true today, but we can see that biological instincts are gradually suppressed, so this statement is not as powerful as before."


When I try to describe something, it is always vague at first and then gradually becomes clear. Just like the secret religion, I always need to list everything I can think of and then think about it. In the "Process" section, it is my listing, without any logic. Now I realize that I should look at the religion of reproduction from the perspective of the group, appearance, and non-individualism. So, let's change the "perspective".

Developing oneself and reproducing offspring are two paths that are not mutually exclusive. When a person's self develops, sometimes they not only reproduce but may also have more offspring. So the problem is not whether to choose reproduction, but being forced to reproduce, being compelled to reproduce, and being fully devoted to reproduction. Reproduction becomes a burden. The religion of reproduction is most prevalent in times without hope because the path of self-development is extremely difficult and there is no hope, while reproduction becomes a viable path. At this time, the religion of reproduction is like a beautiful cover, but it is full of flaws.

When you ask some elderly women about the meaning of reproduction, it is beyond their scope because they have more faith than the pursuit of meaning. They may say, "Getting married, having children, that's what people do." At this moment, they may indeed think that reproduction is not of great significance. However, after experiencing this brief moment of wisdom, everything they talk about will return to the religion of reproduction. Because in the religion of reproduction, there are always some people with many descendants, and there are always some people whose wives and children have left, and they have no one to rely on. Isn't this enough for them to worship the religion of reproduction again?

But in reality, these women with many descendants hide many bad things about themselves. Just like in the Dark Village, the truly bad things are not mentioned by them. The increase in descendants is the greatest gift of the religion of reproduction, but with more people, there are more problems. Just like the feudal system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was still paying attention to rules during the Spring and Autumn Period, but it became more unscrupulous during the Warring States Period, blood ties became thinner, and the struggle became fiercer. These tired old women, if they have fewer children, will be saddened by the religion of reproduction; if they have more children, they will be secretly saddened. Because the more children there are, the more uncontrollable they become, and the risks become more uncontrollable. Yesterday they were proud in front of others, but today they may be alone and sad. "Can't say, can't say." One of my elders sometimes says this.

I once wrote about people's appearance, and I feel that I am too ruthless, seeing people so superficially, so unlike humans. But compared to the believers of the religion of reproduction in the village, I am still a bit clumsy. Imagine, if we were an old woman in the village, how would we view this world, how would we view a person? Their answers are remarkably consistent.

When they are young, "Are you still in school?" If not, they will ask about age. If they are still in school, they will ask "Where do you go to school? What grade are you in?"
When they are middle-aged, "What do you do? Where do you work? How much money do you earn? Are you married? How many children do you have? How old are your children?"
When they are old, "How many children do you have? Have you taken care of everything? Are your children married? Are your children still in school? How much money do your children earn in a month?"

To put it bluntly, these people have a refined side of their reproductive organs when they open their mouths, and they call it marriage, having children, and work. But when there are contradictions that need to be scolded, they will use words like "cunt" and "dick"... What "selling cunt" and "fucking" ... At this time, they are more concerned about reproductive organs than gynecologists.

I really wonder if these people don't have faith, but are devout believers of the religion of reproduction, and they are extremely devout. They don't care what religion you believe in or what you do. In their eyes, you are the object of the religion of reproduction. They don't have any other criteria for evaluation, and the religion of reproduction is enough as the only criterion. I may be superficial, but I am not as superficial as these believers.

But also, I have to admire the religion of reproduction, it is a miracle of evolution. Anyone who can talk about reproductive organs with you is the result of the selection of the religion of reproduction, which maintains the purity of the believers.

Humans are very sophisticated machines. In a poor place, what is more beneficial than having a few more children? Problems that cannot be solved in one's own generation can be left to the next generation to solve, and the next generation can be left to the next next generation to solve. Tomorrow and tomorrow, there will be more tomorrows! As long as there are always future generations, problems can always be postponed, and there will always be hope for a solution. The males and females brought about by reproduction can give each other the motivation to mate and get married, and this can be elevated to the level of aesthetics. The religion of reproduction is truly great.


Reproduction is a big topic and a profound topic. Everything we do is related to reproductive organs and reproduction at all times, as can be seen from our cursing with words like "cunt" and "dick". This article still follows my style of chaotic logic, but it's been a long time since I expressed myself, and it will cause constipation. This may just be a beginning, the topic of reproduction is too big, there will be time in the future.

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