


Sacred object

Do you believe in the afterlife?

Sword of Goujian

In many animations, games, or museums, there are often things from other eras, such as the Lion King's treasure or King Goujian's long sword... I call these things from other eras and worlds "relics". Like the bright moon, it should bring tears. Like the hometown accent, the hair has turned gray but the voice remains the same. Like Tang and Song poetry, reading them today still exudes elegance... "Relics" are not necessarily sacred things, but they are different from the surrounding world and contain vast information from another world.

I once read a plot in an online novel where an advanced civilization crashed on a primitive planet and successfully accelerated the development and rise of that planet. It's a bit like the Journey to the West.

After talking about these "relics", what does it have to do with the afterlife?

I'm not concerned about the logical relationship between the two, I'm just thinking, did we bring any "relics" with us?

Some people say that birthmarks on the body are scars from past lives. There are many examples from ancient times to the present, such as Tang Jiangshan. They remember memories from past lives. Of course, many people may think that these are all fabrications, but is there a scientific possibility for one person's memories and thoughts to be transmitted to another person? I remember that I previously discussed a similar point in Unveiling the Human Veil. Human thoughts can be explained. Just like AI such as ChatGPT, human thinking can be replicated to some extent. This is what I have always wanted to say, The Dilemma of Creation.

Besides this tangible "evidence", are there any metaphysical "relics"?

Actually, let's take the example of ChatGPT. The novelty of the prompt determines the novelty of the AI's work. I have always questioned whether humans can truly create new things, or if there is truly nothing new under the sun. But one thing can be determined, things that truly resemble creations are actually quite simple, like a certain line of poetry "The moon rises over the sea", or a certain idea. Non-action? Benevolence? Law? I suspect that they are not creating a theory, but rather discovering it.

As the saying goes, great articles are heaven-sent, and skillful hands occasionally obtain them.

So, which deep parts of a person could be "relics"? Can they prove that something is not from this present world, but from a previous life? If there is truly an afterlife, what is the unique soul identification code? If a person can be reincarnated as a pig or a dog, is this soul identification code universal between humans and all living beings?

I don't know. But maybe it's the state of forgetting everything. Shakespeare once said, "When I first arrived on this stage of fools, I began to weep." From childhood to adulthood, there has always been something that has followed us like a shadow, and that is ourselves. Trying to recall, experiencing the continuity of memories across time and space, do we feel a hint of our past lives? It's like I have always stared at the patterns on the walls, like the dandelions I blew on the way home from school, like the secret base in the attic, the small aerial garden I made that was less than a square meter...

The "relic" from my past life is myself. Although I may have drunk a lot of "Meng Po's soup", that sudden recollection of memories makes us feel the magic and uniqueness of the creation of the self. In the pursuit of wisdom, we can explore outwardly, but we can also inquire inwardly. I suddenly remembered Wang Yangming's philosophy, "I think, therefore I am." Although I don't understand what these people are saying, our "relics" are right in front of us.

I am not a religious person, and the belief I have is not about gods and spirits. If someone believes they have past lives and future lives, I don't think it's a ridiculous thing. In our idioms, phrases like "What sins did I commit in my past life?" and "In the next life, I'll be a cow or a horse" often appear. In a country without so-called "beliefs", there are actually various symbols. You can also call them "relics". Just like the word "apostle", if you look closely and think quietly, you will discover these "relics".

Humans are not single-celled organisms. Some people say that the afterlife can make people have a sense of awe, which can have a positive influence on rulers or society. This statement is also true. However, the original meaning of past lives and future lives is not focused on the present world. Don't forget to look at these two terms from their original intentions.

This article is a tribute to my sudden belief in past lives and future lives. I have actually believed in the possibility of past lives and future lives in my understanding of life and death. Simply put, this situation and scene are unique, relying on certain things to exist. So when these things that the unique scene relies on are present, the unique scene will reappear. Anything spiritual is immortal. Because it is spiritual, because it is illusory, because this illusion is connected to the objective world, when the objective world is present, the illusion will reappear. See The Momentum of Life and Death. This article only represents my thoughts and is not discussing religion or anything like that. I hope you all understand. As Qingming Festival approaches, a person from the same village will be buried tomorrow, and due to mental stress and punishment, they committed suicide by hanging.

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