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Downgrade of fertility

Our village used to have a kindergarten, about the size of a football field. It used to be able to accommodate two classes. Now there is only one class, with reportedly eight students. These are people born five years ago, and one can imagine the number of people in three to four years. Our village is estimated to no longer have a kindergarten. This kindergarten also accepts children from several nearby villages. There are many factors that affect childbirth. Economic recession, political incompetence, declining reproductive capacity, social norms... These factors all affect couples, and the ultimate decision to have children lies with them. Regardless of which factor, if it is perceived by the couple as having a significant impact, they will not have children, or have more. For example, physical harm; lack of care; insufficient money for formula; high stress; no prospects in society... But more importantly, our village also has many bachelors in their thirties. Each production team must have three to five, at the very least. They probably won't find a wife in their lifetime. For them, it's very cruel. Because they once dreamed of having a family, children, but now they have no hope, and it will always be a lingering pain. As a believer in the religion of childbirth (https://telegra.ph/a-hidden-religion-06-14), this is scarier than going to hell. Lao Liang (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJzlDpMsroQ) recently posted a video saying that the overall environment is not good, and all we can do is accept that the environment is not good, and then find a low-cost way to be happy. Culture, knowledge, may not allow us to transcend the times, but they can help us clearly understand our own class and environment. I think this platform provides many inexpensive ways to be happy - thinking is happiness (https://telegra.ph/Reflect-and-be-happy-07-05), true fantasy (https://telegra.ph/True-Fantasy-07-27), the end of desire: reflection and art (https://telegra.ph/The-End-of-Desire-Reflections-and-Art-02-19), can thinking be rooted? (https://telegra.ph/Can-thinking-be-rooted-08-14). These may help us not be powerless in the flood of the times.
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