


The Right Path - Magic Path Perishes, Divine Path Arises

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Entropy Increase and Death#

Everything in this world is like a rolling stone, as long as there is a deeper valley, they will roll down. Although these things are in motion, they are no different from death. This is the world of matter, everything moves forward according to a predetermined goal, to become more material, they move in order to die more thoroughly.

Everything happening in the natural world implies an increase in entropy in the part of the world where it is happening. Therefore, a living organism is constantly increasing its entropy and approaching the dangerous state of maximum entropy, which is death. - Order, Disorder, and Entropy • E. Schrödinger

When I first learned the laws of thermodynamics, I was shocked by the increase in entropy. I once watched a documentary - Wonders of the Universe (2011), which described how the universe would become a graveyard of stars after their extinction, with light disappearing and plunging into eternal darkness.


At that time, I felt a sense of detachment. The universe ends in destruction, so what does it matter if I don't perform well academically? Suddenly, there was no more gloom. I wondered, when everything is destroyed, what is eternal?

The Variables of the World#

The Will of Man#

But only the power of God can remain uncorrupted in this world, and that is faith.

A large part of ordinary people has nothing to do with faith. I don't have faith, all I have is a belief. I believe that this world has its most magical secrets, and I believe that this world has the highest guidance.

Jacopo Tintoretto - Lamentation over the Dead Christ

As a part of the world, as a living person, the existence of my thoughts tells me that there is something worth pursuing, something to strive for. The will of man, the spirit of man.

The Creativity of Man#

Humans reduce entropy by using energy. They innovate ways to obtain energy through scientific discoveries. It is because of this that they do not have to be trapped in an arena of survival of the fittest. What our civilization relies on is not just energy, but continuous creation and the continuous improvement of our ability to utilize energy. All of this relies on innovation, on the creativity of man.

Opportunity Views Its Own Shadow: NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers landed on the Red Planet on Jan. 3 and 24, 2004, respectively. This image shows a view Opportunity captured of its own shadow on July 26 of that year, the 180th Martian day, or sol, of its mission. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Creation requires freedom, respect for human nature, and respect for individual life. It requires the strength of individuals, the continuation of civilization's flame. All of this requires the vitality of life, the struggle against nature itself, in order to become a strong individual. Just like what Nietzsche called the "overman."

The Meaning of Struggle#

Struggle is Freedom#

Without strong individuals, there is no freedom. The system of freedom at this time is the most anti-freedom. Freedom requires eternal struggle. It is not just a struggle against the government, but a struggle against nature, a struggle against entropy. Free education, food, and generous welfare for citizens are nothing more than means of domesticating livestock, resulting in the atrophy of the instinct for life.

We can hardly imagine a group of fed people being able to possess freedom for a long time, because that is the behavior of livestock. Many people use the high welfare of the West to persuade the people of the country of the benefits of democracy, but this is a big mistake. As mentioned earlier, I don't believe that living in someone else's house can bring peace of mind, or that eating someone else's food can bring dignity.

So freedom is just a facade. It doesn't mean that freedom is not worth pursuing, but freedom comes from struggle. That is the meaning of freedom, it is a state, not just a decoration of democracy.

The Fall of the Rebel Angels

However, in order to create, in order to continue life and the existence of our race, we must resist tyranny. The suppression of human nature by tyranny turns the people into weak cattle, they have become machines, parasites devouring the entire civilization. We must struggle, remove obstacles, let them discover themselves, find themselves in creation, and civilization will continue to exist by changing the way it obtains energy through creation. [[2020-06-06]]

Struggle is Good#

The so-called good is to allow more lives to struggle against destruction, to struggle against the ultimate fate of this world.

The world is destined to be destroyed, but this destruction is distant for human consciousness. The existence of gods gives people the confidence to struggle in adversity. Every time, people rely on this confidence and faith to continue to survive. Therefore, it seems that gods (faith) will inevitably save people from fire and water.

However, whether this world will eventually perish or endure, we must recognize the struggle. We must struggle against destruction.

The path of magic captures the contradictions between sentient beings, causing them to fight endlessly. The path of gods (the right path) unifies sentient beings and fights against destruction together.

The Ways of Destruction#

In the chaos of gods and demons, the intertwining of faith and corruption, will you choose to enjoy a life of corruption or pursue a lifetime of faith?

It's hard to say.

No one can resist the allure of the highest desire. The spirit must rely on material things, so everyone can fall into corruption. But corruption is never far from faith.

In the end, it depends on whether we want to pursue this guidance, whether we want to follow the right path.

The Wounded Foot

This article, titled "The Destruction of Magic, the Birth of Gods", integrates the sense of entropy increase from the early morning of June 6, 2020, from the e-book stall's short story, and is reconstructed on February 5, 2024.

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