


Super objective

Witch Ball, c. 1937
This article is only to complete a concept about objectivism, purely for self-entertainment. This article does not have any display purpose.

What is objectivity?#

Subjective and objective#

Usually, objectivity and subjectivity are corresponding concepts. If something can be confirmed independently of thoughts, then it is objective. If something depends on thoughts (bias, perception, emotion, viewpoint, imagination, or conscious experience), then it is subjective.

No "subjective"#

The objectivism advocated in this article means no "subjective". "And the subjective that depends on objectivity, which is commonly referred to as subjective, is the thinking activity that people carry out in their brains. This subjectivity itself is objective."

Vulgar materialism#

This is different from vulgar materialism, which believes that "consciousness is directly reduced to matter, and believes that the ability of human mental activities is nothing more than a secretion of brain matter or that thoughts are the displacement of brain marrow."


The objectivism mentioned in this article does not focus on discussing the origin, but is only a kind of understanding of the world obtained from the perspective of appearance. In other words, this article believes that "objectivism means believing that everything in the world operates according to rules."

The so-called lack of subjectivity in this article is precisely because this article believes that thinking also follows objective laws. This article believes that there is no such thing as life and death, and that life and death are all in accordance with objective laws. If the conditions for life are met, it will naturally be born; if the conditions for death are met, it will naturally die. Life and death are determined by momentum. Not only that, even time and space are relative.

Some people think that all of this is just the self-indulgence of this article, and I understand that. If everything I think is not true, then it's fine to have something that is true.


Discard all concepts of subjectivity and objectivity. Let's think about a question again, what is objectivity?

Definition of objectivism#

Previously, by denying subjectivity, there is no longer a distinction between subject and object, only the word "observe" remains. Anything that can be observed is objective.

How do we judge "can and cannot"? Anything that is matter or energy can be observed by matter or energy. Furthermore, anything that can act on a person is observable, and therefore objective. Anything that cannot act on a person is not objective. The latter, I call it hyperobjective.

Hyperobjectivity is absolutely illusory#

Hyperobjectivity is absolutely illusory, meaningless illusion that has no effect on the objective world, and has nothing in common with humans. It can be a material world or any other world. It can be heaven or the underworld. No matter what that world is, it has nothing to do with us.

The role of the concept of hyperobjectivity#

Hyperobjectivity is the boundary that objectivism can never touch, but it is indispensable for objectivism. With these meaningless things, we can more clearly define what objectivism is.

Hyperobjectivity also defines some seemingly illusory but not illusory standards. Even if heaven and the underworld really exist, they are absolutely not in the realm of hyperobjectivity, but in the objective world.

In On Creation, this article believes that "the object of creation is intangible, meaningless, and transcendent." Although I have not yet understood the meaning of this intangibility, I can be sure that these absolutely do not belong to hyperobjectivity.

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